Methanol is an important chemical feedstock which is utilised primarily in the production of formaldehyde, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and acetic acid. It is also used in the manufacture of DMT, MMA, chloromethanes, methylamines, glycol methyl ethers, and fuels. Methanol also has general solvent and antifreeze uses so can be found as a component of paint stripper, and de-icers.
This means that methanol is an integral part of everyday life as it can be found in plastics, synthetic fibres, fuels, resins, paints, safety glass laminate, adhesives, solvents, carpeting, insulation, refrigerants, particle board, pigments and dyes.
Methanol is also used in waste water treatment as it provides a carbon food source for the denitrifying bacteria as the nutrient rich nitrates in sewage effluent can have a major effect on water eco-systems, for example, enabling algae blooms.